Friday, September 01, 2006

Some Do's and Don'ts of Customer Service

DO YOUR RESEARCH! There can never be enough research done if you are thinking of selling your creations online. See if there is really a spot in the market for your business. Find out if surfers are going to buy your products once they find you. What about shipping your products out to folks? Can you do so and still make a profit? Research and find your target buyers and make sure to create a good solid business plan before you even take one step with selling online.

Do NOT make things Difficult! If selling online, then remember to keep your website simple and yet attractive enough to grab folks attention. Keep in mind all the details of your site from the actual layout design and what it will look like to folks; all the way to how easy will it be for folks to place an order thru you and what your customer service policies are. You want no hidden parts from folks.

Letting customers contact you with any questions is a great way of building a relationship with your customers, and will help establish trust too. Look into having a contact us function on your website so that at the very least customers can email you with any questions or problems. If you are going to have this option for them, ALWAYS make sure you answer customer questions as promptly and professionally as possible.At least within a few days if not less.

These are a few simple tips to making your business run as smoothly as possible.... for your customers as well as yourself!

Tracy(Cedara)Dunn of Thru The Attic Door

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