Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Crow Patterns

Crows are near and dear to most of our hearts. What makes these simple creatures so charming? Maybe the reason is because they aren't as simple as they look.

Here are a few tidbits I've read about crows. I'm not sure how accurate the information is, but it's interesting none-the-less. Crows are monogamous creatures, keeping the same mate for life. They supposedly have a close family bond. When you see a gathering of crows, you are presumably looking at many generations of family members---grandparents, parents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. Crows are highly intelligent, using bread crumbs as fishing bait, dropping seeds in the road so cars will run over the seeds to crack the shells open for them, and so much more.

Below is a sampling of all the wonderful different crow patterns we offer at Pattern Mart. You can find more crow patterns HERE.


Price: US$5.00

Click for details

CROWS #222

CROWS #222
Price: US$7.50

Click for details

Crow Art One

Crow Art One
Price: US$6.00

Click for details

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