We have a few ad spots left for the May/June issue of Creative Times and since next week is spring break I'd like to get the remaining ads done before then. So if you purchase a 1/8th, 1/4th or 1/2 page ad spot between now and Sunday night (4/8/07), I will give you a main page button ad on Creative Times for FREE for the months of May/June. So if your looking for advertising to a targeted crafting audience, this may be a great opportunity for you. Plus it will help me get majority of my work done before the kids are off for spring break. So hurry and hop on over to secure your spot!
You can purchase an ad and submit all of your ad information through the site. Click Here: Advertising
In the May/June issue we'll be announcing the winners of our Easter contest. We'll be giving away cash and prizes and have had a ton of entries. So we anticipate a large readership for this issue. Not just due to the contest but the feedback we have been getting since launching the CT site has been fantastic.
You can view all of the reader stats by visiting the archives page here: http://creativetimesmagazine.com/archive.php Under the cover pictures you'll see download numbers. Those numbers are 100% acurate and tells you how many people have downloaded that issue.
While your there if you haven't entered the Easter contest in the current issue, there's still time!! The deadline is April 28th.
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