http://www.ecraftclasses.com/ is pleased to announce of the launch of the new interactive website dedicated to online craft classes.
The classes are in a very easy format which make learning easy and fun. Each class has step by step photos and instructions. Many also include the pattern template for you to download. You can also contact the teacher if you have questions right from within the class.
Attention Teachers:
If you've always wanted to create your own online craft classes your in for a treat. With eCraft Classes easy interface you can have your class uploaded in no time. You can also use the link codes provided for each of your classes, to place your class information on your own website, blog, email, newsletter and even a forum just like the one below. It doesn't get much easier than that!
Free Simple Pinwheel
Class Code: #10042
Make paper or fabric pinwheels
Price: FREE!
For more details visit http://www.ecraftclasses.com/ While your there be sure and check out the free class to get an idea of the layout of the classes and how easy they are to attend.