As October seeps in , many are gearing up for craft shows, church bazaars and holiday home shows. With that comes the soft hum of sewing machines and the frenzie of creative hands working hard to increase their inventory of handmade goods to fill their booths.
Does this sound like you? For many the routine of show preparation starts early in the season, even in the summer months. But for others, October marks the time to get the creative juices turning. With each craft show season, crafters want to offer customers a new and unique product that is sure to be a "best seller" at their next show.
Some crafters opt to create small, inexpensive items such as
bowl fillers and other small handmade trinkets. While others relish in offering highly detailed
wood creations,
paintings and other extrordinary goods for the descriminating tastes of their clientale. No matter what type of items you prefer to offer, a good source for finding that perfect pattern to make your creations is . With almost 3,000 patterns at your fingertips, it's highly likely that you'll find just what you are looking for.
Patterns are a great investment for your crafting business. The creative designs of others affords you the ease of detailed instructions on how to make those "best sellers". Not only will it save you time, but buying a pattern also affords the elimination of having to think up a design concept yourself. Many people find this a great way to go and a time saver.
Pattern Mart Facts:
* The largest instant download craft pattern website with almost 3,000
craft patterns.
Gift Certificates Available (upper right of main page).
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* Abundance of
Craft and
Craft Business articles.
Advertising options for website owners.
* Main sponsor of
Creative Times Magazine,
Instant Printables &
ECraft Classes.
* We also offer
craft supplies.
* Sponsor of the
Giving Project which gives back to the community.